Steubenville NW | Increase | Firefall
STEUBENVILLE NORTHWEST___________________________________________________________________
VOLUNTEERS REGISTER HERE Our volunteers are the reason we are able to offer this life-changing weekend to the youth of the Northwest. We are so very thankful for each and every one. Starting Thursday and continuing through Sunday afternoon, we welcome any time you are able to commit to helping us out. As a Steubenville Northwest volunteer, you will be given the opportunity to sign up to serve in particular areas (e.g. ushering, bookstore, first aid, etc.). If your preference isn’t available, we appreciate your willingness to serve where needed. Volunteer Costs: It costs $65 for meals and $70 for housing per person over the conference weekend. Donations are appreciated to offset this cost. Volunteer Housing: Out of town volunteers may be housed on Gonzaga University's campus in two- bedroom apartments. Please indicate this need on your registration form. Alternative lodging is available at Ruby River Hotel. To reserve, call 509-326-5577 and ask for the Steubenville NW room block. If you would like to join this group of amazing, life-giving adults, please REGISTER HERE For more information, contact our Volunteer Ministry Lead All volunteers must show proof of being Safe Environment compliant. _________________________________________________________________ MORE OPTIONS...... CONFERENCE T-SHIRTS 2021 conference T-shirts are available by pre-order for $17-$20 each. If interested, please complete a T-Shirt Order Form For customized shirts, please contact Bob Falkner at [email protected] __________________________________________________________ QUICK REFERENCE 2021 CONFERENCE SCHEDULE Coming Soon General Conference Info Flyer General Conference Info Flyer - Spanish DEADLINES ONGOING: $60 non-refundable deposit (per person) is due upon receipt of invoice. Those groups with deposits paid will be assigned dorms first. Checks only; no credit card payments. JUNE 20: Group registrations due JUNE 20: HOUSING FORM DUE - one per group, listing all those staying on campus (Please submit earlier, if possible.) JUNE 20: Last day to pre-order T-shirts T-shirt order form JULY 1: FINAL PAYMENT DUE JULY 1: ALL supplemental registration forms due (All forms may be found here.) CODE OF CONDUCT - all who register as adults and young adults VERIFICATION FORM - one per group, listing all who register as adults and young adults BRING-A-FRIEND PROGRAM FORM (optional)a July 30-August 1, 2021 The Steubenville Youth Conferences, an outreach of Franciscan University of Steubenville, are a series of 25 conferences across North America that help teens encounter the love of Christ every summer. Our mission is to build the Church by evangelizing, equipping, and empowering God’s children to become radical and joyful disciples. For more information about the Steubenville Conferences, visit steubenvilleconferences.com. Join us for a weekend of spiritual growth. With dynamic speakers who instruct and challenge teens in all facets of their lives, vibrant praise and worship time, and grace through the sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Eucharist, Catholic teens are able to laugh, cry, sing, pray, discern, be encouraged, and be healed. Steubenville Northwest is a weekend for those just coming to know God, and for those yearning for a deeper relationship as a disciple of Christ. Join us this summer. Your life will never be the same! Registration information |
A one-day retreat for high school youth groups
with singer, songwriter, speaker FRANCIS CABILDO.
Perfect for a mid-year boost or Confirmation retreat.
Saturday, Feb 27, 2021 9:00am - 8:30pm
St. Michael Parish, Olympia WA
Register HERE
A one-day retreat for high school youth groups
with singer, songwriter, speaker FRANCIS CABILDO.
Perfect for a mid-year boost or Confirmation retreat.
Saturday, Feb 27, 2021 9:00am - 8:30pm
St. Michael Parish, Olympia WA
Register HERE
JULY 26 - JULY 28, 2020 -- Cancelled due to Covid-19
INCREASE is the perfect transition for your youth group from HEARING the message of Jesus Christ to SHARING the message of Jesus Christ. This opportunity follows the Steubenville Conference weekend from Sunday evening to Tuesday afternoon, and is capped at the first 100 participants. Join other youth groups as they work together to paint, aid those in need of a little extra help around the house, mow some lawns, and experience the JOY of simply serving others. 2020 cost is $110 per person and includes lodging at Gonzaga and meals (breakfast and lunch on Monday and Tuesday). LEARN MORE
JULY 26 - JULY 28, 2020 -- Cancelled due to Covid-19
INCREASE is the perfect transition for your youth group from HEARING the message of Jesus Christ to SHARING the message of Jesus Christ. This opportunity follows the Steubenville Conference weekend from Sunday evening to Tuesday afternoon, and is capped at the first 100 participants. Join other youth groups as they work together to paint, aid those in need of a little extra help around the house, mow some lawns, and experience the JOY of simply serving others. 2020 cost is $110 per person and includes lodging at Gonzaga and meals (breakfast and lunch on Monday and Tuesday). LEARN MORE